Timotheus Paulus Roeloffs’ Artworks

The Urban Reinventors Image Galleries

Timotheus Paulus Roeloffs was born in 1965 in Enschede, the Netherlands, and is based in Berlin, where he works in an atelier at the Tacheles in the Oranienburgerstrasse, in former East Berlin.

"Was mich bis jetzt geprägt hat, sind talkshows, pippi langstrumpf, heidi, zorba, kentuckie fried chicken, bier, portugal, björn borg, ostberlin vor und nach 89, der spiegel, tee trinken, donald duck... das ganze chaos, das mich sowohl inspiriert als verwirrt, klebe ich zusammen in eine collage."

“What has shaped me heretofore are talkshows, Pippi Longstocking, Heidi, Zorba, KFC, beer, Portugal, Björn Borg, East Berlin before and after 1989, Der Spiegel, drinking tea, donald duck… all the chaos that inspires and confuses me, I glue it together in a collage”.

Please visit Timotheus Paulus Roeloffs’ webpage at http://pivoandpivos.com/

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